




      The 3-year crisis: understanding and overcoming.

      Crisis of 3 years: understanding and overcoming.

      The 3-year-old crisis is a natural stage of child development that usually occurs between the ages of 2.5 and 4. At this time, the child realizes himself or herself as a separate person and begins to strive for independence. This can lead to stubbornness, negativism, moodiness, and emotional outbursts.

      Signs of a 3-year-old crisis:

      • Stubbornness: the child insists on his or her own way, even if it is illogical or dangerous.
      • Negativism: the child often says "no" or "I don't want to" for no apparent reason.
      • Tantrums: The child may fight, scream, or throw things to get what he or she wants.
      • Emotional outbursts: the child can change mood quickly, from joy to anger.
      • Egocentrism: The child believes that the world revolves around him or her and does not always understand the needs of other people.
      • Attempts at self-assertion: the child may often say "I am myself" or "I can".

      It is important to remember that the 3-year-old crisis is a temporary phenomenon. Over time, with your support and understanding, the child will learn to express his or her emotions constructively and interact with other people.

      How to help a child during a crisis at the age of 3:

      • Remain calm: do not swear or punish your child for their behavior.
      • Be consistent: set clear rules and follow them.
      • Give your child choices: Whenever possible, let your child choose what to wear, what to eat, or what to play with.
      • Spend time with your child: play with him/her, read books to him/her, go for walks with him/her.
      • Teach your child to express their emotions in words: help them name their emotions and explain why they are feeling them.
      • Encourage independence: Give your child the opportunity to do some things on his own, such as getting dressed or brushing his teeth.
      • Be patient: The 3 year old crisis can last for several months, so it is important to be patient and understanding.

      The 3 year old crisis can be a difficult time for parents, but remember that you are not alone. The most important thing is to love your child and accept him or her as he or she is.