




      Healthy breakfasts for a child's active day

      Healthy breakfasts for a child's active day

      A healthy breakfast is an important part of a child's diet. It is necessary for normal activity, concentration, and a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Children who eat a full breakfast at home are less likely to have gastritis and ulcers compared to those who eat unhealthy foods or skip breakfast.

      The main elements of healthy breakfasts 

      Children's breakfasts should be: 

      • rich in protein and slow carbohydrates to ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety;
      • natural: fast food and unhealthy snacks will only harm the child;
      • provide the necessary energy value; 
      • saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

      Such breakfasts support the child's physical and mental development, as well as form a healthy eating behavior. At the same time, they are as easy to prepare as instant cereals.

      Healthy breakfast ideas for kids


      An omelet with greens, pork or a piece of hard cheese is the easiest breakfast option. Just beat 2 eggs with salt and pour the mixture into a frying pan and a healthy breakfast is ready.

      You can also try a non-classical version with the addition of milk, which will be a cross between an omelet and pancakes.


      Instead of pasta with sausages, you can try making simple variations of pasta: with tomatoes, chicken meatballs, seafood, etc. If the sausages are natural, you can cook them for your child.


      Classic syrniki can always be varied by serving (syrups, berries and fruits) or cooking method (in sour cream filling). The latter requires 10 additional minutes to bake in the oven.

      Peanut butter sandwiches

      Peanut butter is a source of useful micronutrients, and children love it. However, peanuts are a potential allergen, and the daily allowance is no more than 1 tablespoon.

      What we do not recommend preparing for a child for breakfast is all kinds of semi-finished products, quick cereals, and dishes rich in various sauces.  Energy breakfasts for an active day should be easy to prepare and as natural as possible. Only such breakfasts will fulfill their function of providing energy and supporting the child's development.