




      Baby food: recommendations for a nanny for a healthy diet

      Baby food: recommendations for a nanny for a healthy diet

      Harmonious growth and development of a personality is impossible without proper nutrition. After all, for the formation of all organ systems, the development of the hormonal system, the nervous system and a number of other processes, it is necessary that the diet contains all the necessary macro and micro elements.

      Therefore, every person involved in the upbringing of a child should know how to organize a healthy diet.

      Healthy eating for children: tips for nannies

      One of the most frequent responsibilities for a nanny is to prepare meals or provide a proper diet. First and foremost, it is important that the child does not eat prohibited allergenic foods. As a rule, parents always warn about the presence of an allergy to a particular product. In addition, you need to make sure that the child does not eat a lot of unhealthy foods:

      • Fast food
      • Sweets
      • Salty and spicy foods
      • Low-quality semi-finished products
      • Caffeinated products
      • Citrus fruits (potential allergens)

      The first rule of healthy eating is maximum naturalness. The same rule protects the teacher from unforeseen cases such as stomach diseases.

      In order to take into account the individual nutritional needs of the child, it is also necessary to discuss his or her diet with parents. We recommend approving a new menu every week to avoid possible conflicts. In addition, this will allow you to understand whether the family already has a healthy diet: perhaps parents will share with you some healthy recipes.

      Often, nannies together with parents discuss the weekly budget for the child's meals or the variety of dishes if some products are not available.

      Important: only specialists with a medical examination are allowed to prepare meals.

      The role of a nanny in fostering healthy eating habits

      A nanny is an authoritative adult who influences the child's worldview and, in particular, the culture of eating habits. As a teacher, you can teach your child the rules of healthy eating, motivate them, and explain why it is important for their health and future.

      Often, nannies explain this to parents as well. After all, not every family has a culture of healthy eating. If your responsibilities include organizing meals, you can explain to parents how important it is to take care of a healthy diet:

      • the importance of water in children's nutrition;
      • the prevention of allergic reactions in children;
      • about nutritious food for the brain, bones and organ systems;
      • about pediatric nutritional recommendations.

      It is normal for a specialist to offer professional adjustments that can improve a child's health. Therefore, never hesitate to discuss nutrition with your parents. Your recommendations can be very valuable and helpful.