




      Bedtime stories: the impact of fairy tales on good sleep

      Bedtime stories: the impact of fairy tales on good sleep

      Sleep plays an extremely important role in a child's development and well-being. It helps restore energy, promotes growth, strengthens the immune system, and improves cognitive function.

      Reading bedtime stories is not just a pleasant ritual, but also an effective way to help your child calm down, relax, and get ready for sleep.

      How fairy tales affect children's sleep

      • Reduce anxiety. A day for a child can be full of new impressions, emotions, and sometimes worries. A calm and affectionate atmosphere while reading a fairy tale helps a child to calm down, feel safe, and forget about the day's troubles.
      • They develop imagination and creativity. Magical worlds, interesting characters, and fascinating plots of fairy tales give your child the opportunity to travel in the imagination, develop creativity and language skills.
      • They enrich the vocabulary. Fairy tales introduce new words and phrases to the child, which helps develop speech and improve communication skills.
      • Form moral values. Many fairy tales contain important life lessons about right and wrong, friendship, honesty, compassion, and other values.
      • Create a strong bond between child and parent. Reading fairy tales together before bedtime is a great way to spend time with your child and make them feel your love and support.

      How to choose relaxing stories for easy falling asleep?

      • Match the age of the child. For young children, it is better to choose short fairy tales with a simple plot and familiar characters. With age, you can move on to more complex and longer stories.
      • Positive plot. Bedtime stories should have a positive ending so that the child goes to bed with a sense of calm and confidence.
      • Teaching moral values. Fairy tales are a great way to gently instill important life values in your child.
      • Taking into account the child's individual interests. Choose fairy tales that match your child's hobbies and preferences.


      • Create a cozy atmosphere. Dim the lights, turn on soft music, take the child in your arms or sit next to him/her.
      • Read in a calm and gentle voice.
      • Encourage the child to communicate. Ask him questions, discuss what he has read.
      • Give your child the opportunity to choose a fairy tale or make up their own.

      Remember: reading bedtime stories is not only a way to help your child fall asleep, but also a great chance to spend time together, strengthen your bond, and give them unforgettable moments.