




      How to raise a child: advice to parents and a nanny

      Mother looks at her child

      How to raise a child

      How to properly raise a child?Modern parents ask themselves this question more and more often, because they realize that they bear full responsibility for ensuring that their baby one day becomes a healthy and prosperous adult. Parents always want to give their children the best, but we often just don't know what the right thing should beeducation of preschool children and schoolchildren.


      How to raise a child so that he grows up to be a full-fledged happy person


      Every mother and every father can organizeparenting in such a way that it brings the desired results and does not require titanic efforts. What is needed for this?


      Let magic into your child's life

      Wonder is a mandatory and integral part of childhood. Magic helps both to take a break from reality and to perceive it more easily. The task of parents is to preserve the presence of a miracle in the lives of their children as long as possible.

      Let the children lead you

      Parents are used to being leaders and telling their children what to do and what not to do every day. But sometimes they forget that the leader's task is to maximize the potential of each team member. And this means that sometimes you have to listen to the children and adapt the tasks to their wishes and needs.

      Activity does not always have to be useful

      The time you spend with your children doesn't have to be good. Sometimes you can be lazy together, have fun, or just do some everyday tasks together.

      Distribute the load evenly

      Give the child only one task at a time that he can handle on his own. If possible, reinforce verbal instructions with visual stimulation, so the baby will understand you better.

      Respect the child's personal boundaries

      If the child wants to have personal space and his own time, which he does not want to share with him, then he has the right to it. And his decision should be respected.


      Parents often think abouthow to raise a 10-year-old child or another age if she is too shy. If your baby is a bit withdrawn, then you should adopt the followingadvice to parents on raising children:

      • Gradually expand the circle of acquaintances of your child - go to visit, attend various events and invite friends for joint walks.
      • Do not try to protect the child too much, give him the opportunity to take care of himself.
      • From time to time, create a situation in which the child would have to independently turn to an adult with a question or request for help. For example, to a consultant in a store or to a museum worker.
      • Give the child his own device for active and easy communication with others.


      How to raise a child so that he grows up to be a full-fledged happy person? Always pay attention to the behavior of your baby, but in no case do not scold him for excessive emotions. Even if he is sometimes characterized by aggression or a tendency to take offense. For a child, behavior is a kind of way to convey certain information to parents. 


      The baby does not yet know how to control his feelings. Moreover, he has not yet learned to identify them. Therefore, the only way for parents to understand what a child feels is to analyze his behavior.

      In no case do not forbid the baby to experience emotions, even if they are destructive. Having a bad mood is normal. Do not try to entertain or distract the child. Let her fully go through what is on her heart. Well, your task is just to be there.


      How to properly raise a child so that he is healthy and self-confident


      One of the main tasks of parents is to raise a child's sense of self-confidence and faith in his own abilities. With these data, she will then easily be able to master any skills, because she will have no doubts about her abilities.

      What it should beraising a child, so that she grows with faith in herself?


      Build a complete world around the child

      The child should grow up with the confidence that his world is stable and unbreakable, that his parents' love will not disappear anywhere, and he himself will always be safe. If the child is sure that the world around him is friendly, he will more easily find his place in it.

      Teach the child to think

      Thinking is not just using logic. First of all, it is the ability to generate ideas and make decisions.

      Help your child understand the value of money

      The earlier a child realizes the importance of money, the greater the chances that he will manage it consciously in adult life.

      Give the children pocket money

      Giving children a certain amount of money in the form of payment for some work or reward is normal. Even if the baby spends them recklessly, it will become an important lesson for him.



      Parentingit must be such that they develop an adequate and healthy self-esteem. And the following tips will help you in this:

      • Let the child do certain household chores and independently solve the problems he faces. Of course, if they are of moderate complexity and she is really able to cope with them.
      • If the baby shows initiative, support him in this.
      • Praise the child if he achieves some results, but in no case do not overpraise.
      • You can draw the baby's attention to the achievements of other people and at the same time emphasize that he can also achieve this if he wishes.
      • Using your own example, demonstrate that both successes and failures should be treated calmly.
      • In no case do not compare the child with other children. It can only be compared with what it was yesterday or what it may become tomorrow.


      How to establish a good relationship between parents and children


      In the process of upbringing, it is very important not to put too much pressure on the child, because there is a risk not only of achieving the opposite result, but also of worsening the relationship with him. As it should beeducation of school-aged children and very young children, so that it only brings them even closer to their parents?

      • Try to follow a positive model in your relationship with your child. This means that the emphasis should not be on the child's mistakes, but on the achievements.
      • Set a specific time for regular family activities. Fun and interesting family events will be a great opportunity to interact and strengthen ties between all family members.
      • If possible, repeat the words "no", "can't", "forbid" as rarely as possible.
      • Maintain open and honest communication with the child. Create all conditions for free discussion of any issues and problems that may arise in the relationship between parents and children.
      • Talk to the child in a restrained, soft, calm voice.
      • Teach a child a healthy attitude towards mistakes and failures. Teach her that no one is perfect and that even mistakes can be used for learning and further growth.
      • Follow a clear daily routine. Let all the child's activities, including meals, studies and bedtime, be subject to this regime.
      • Support your child's interests and hobbies. Encourage him to participate in sports, art, music and other activities that promote development and self-expression.
      • Remember the importance of following the established rules. Children need structure and regularity, so it's important to have clear rules and defined boundaries for behavior.
      • Keep a positive attitude and, if necessary, provide the child with emotional support. Show your love and show admiration for the baby's achievements.

      Building a healthy and positive relationship between parents and children usually takes time and effort, but it is worth it. This can become the basis for mutual support, mutual understanding and strengthening of ties in the family. So be sure to consider theseadvice to parents in raising children. 


      5 ideas for raising children


      How to raise a happy child? Parents ask this question from generation to generation. And although times change, the basic rules remain the same.

      1. Involve the baby in family duties. Even if it requires your time and effort, train your child to help you at home. It can be simple things like picking up toys, folding laundry, or helping with cooking. Helping at home, children will learn responsibility, organization and cooperation.
      2. Encourage the child to be independent. It is worth doing this from an early age of the baby. Teach him to dress himself, make his bed and pack his backpack. This will contribute to the child's development and over time will teach him to rely on his own strength.
      3. Involvement in culture and art. If you want to develop good aesthetic tastes in your child, then you should visit museums, concerts and theaters with them. In addition, the use of music and art in everyday life will help develop the child's creative abilities and contribute to his cultural development.
      4. Learning communication and empathy. Teach the child to listen to others, be polite and respect the point of view of the people around him. With these skills, she will find friends more easily, and in the future she will be able to maintain healthy relationships with them.
      5. Development of physical skills. Movement is an important element of a healthy life. Involve the baby in physical exercises and active games. It can be sports, hiking, cycling, swimming or other activities that your child likes. Physical activity will help the baby develop coordination, strength and endurance. And in adulthood, it will be easier for him to follow a healthy lifestyle.

      All these ideas will help the child to develop harmoniously, so that later he becomes an independent and self-confident person. They will also contribute to the formation of positive habits and values ​​that will be useful in the future.


      Advice to parents on raising children


      Sometimes it seems to us that our parental efforts do not bring results at all. Despite constant reminders, the child still refuses to study, leaves a mess around him and can't even pack things for school on his own. At such moments, you want to snap and lash out at her. But this way you will only nullify all your previous work.

      Better think about the fact that you still have enough time ahead of you to prepare the baby for independent life in the world of adults. Look back at what you've already accomplished and you'll be amazed at the results.

      Try to set a comfortable pace at which both you and the child will move. Do not put pressure on the baby and in no case compare his success with the success of other children. If the goal you set for yourself and the child seems too unattainable, then focus on intermediate results. After all, they are no less important.

      Before,how to raise a child, decide what traits you want to develop in her. And then look at yourself - do you have these traits? The fact is that we will not be able to change the child for the better if we do not first change ourselves.

      Children are to some extent small mirrors of their parents. Your baby will absorb all your reactions and behavior patterns, whatever they may be. And what is no less important, he will treat himself exactly the way you treat him and yourself.