




      Organization and decor of the children's room

      Organization and decor of the children's room


      At first glance, decorating a child's room does not seem like a difficult task. However, when we face a number of challenges, we realize that the approach to organizing children's space should be more professional. After all, there are so many details to consider.

      Organizing space for children: practical tips

      When planning the design of a children's room, we recommend that you consider the following details:


      The color scheme is the basis of a child's room design. The way the room will look directly depends on the design you choose. Therefore, you should take it responsibly.

      We recommend choosing colors for a child's room according to age:

      • For babies and toddlers (0 to 2 years old)

      Choose soft, pastel colors such as blue, lavender, green or yellow. These colors are calming and conducive to sleep. Bright colors, on the other hand, can be too stimulating.

      • For preschoolers (3 to 5 years old)

      Choose bright and cheerful colors such as red, orange, yellow and green. These colors stimulate creativity and imagination.

      • For school-age children (6 to 12 years old)

      Choose colors that reflect your child's personality and be sure to take their opinions into account when creating a project.  At this age, designers also often advise to consider the option of thematic design of a children's room.

      • For teenagers (13 to 18 years old)

      Teenagers usually want complete freedom in designing their own room, which is recommended to be allowed. For your part, you can tell your child what's best and offer alternative design options. However, the teenager should still have the last word.

      Furniture and accessories

      The choice of furniture and accessories directly depends on the size of the room. If the space allows, you can implement any solution. If the area is small, we recommend paying attention to functional solutions such as sliding sofas.

      There may be some contradictions with the choice of furniture and accessories for a teenager's room. Therefore, we recommend discussing the dimensions of the furniture and the budget in advance.


      Children's room for two or more children: practical solutions

      • Divide the room into zones: this will help each child have their own space. For this purpose, you can use furniture, shelves, curtains and partitions.
      • Use multifunctional furniture to help save space and avoid clutter.
      • Take care of organizers that can be used to store things.
      • If the layout allows, the study area can be moved to the loggia and thus not take up space in the room.