




      From entertainment to education

      From entertainment to education

      In primary school, the leading activity for a child is play. During the game, the child trains social skills, tests different behavioral patterns, and develops creative abilities. But from the age of 6, a child needs to study, which makes play somewhat replace play. And then a logical question arises: how to combine learning and entertainment.

      Learning through entertainment: is it possible?

      Private educational institutions have long tested and introduced various game-based curricula into the education system. For example, in many foreign language schools, children under the age of 10 learn knowledge in the process of having fun.

      For some time, such interactive learning activities were not taken seriously and took place only if the child was engaged in them as an optional activity. However, in the last 5 years, we have seen a trend of including game activities in the education system.

      This is due to a number of reasons:

      1. Children aged 6-8 years have a naturally low concentration rate, and with it the need to constantly switch attention. 
      2. The child's unwillingness to take serious topics, accompanied by frequent distractions from the material.
      3. Unwillingness of younger students to learn the material, and, accordingly, the need to repeat the preschool program.
      4. The high level of stress that all children are currently experiencing.

      Game-based approaches to education allow students to engage in the learning process as quickly as possible and to quickly master difficult topics.

      Game-based approaches to education: are they needed

      The key task of the educational process is to ensure that every child learns. Given the different levels of training and constant stress experienced by modern children, game-based methods are perhaps the only effective ones.

      In addition to easy learning, they allow you to:

      • speed up the process of adaptation to the educational process;
      • promote the socialization of schoolchildren;
      • relax and have fun in the process;
      • enhance the cognitive activity of students.

      Educational entertainment for children is an important part of their development. They have long ceased to function as activities that diversify the learning process. Nowadays, play is a full-fledged element of the educational process, which should be at all levels: school, extracurricular and home education.