




      What should my baby's weight and height be?

      The baby in the birch pajamas is lying down and looking up

      Measuring the height and weight of an infant is a very important practice, since the information provided is of great importance for determining the health and development of the child. This is a very simple method of analysis that allows you to get a lot of information about how the baby eats, what health problems he may have, whether all the nutrients are enough, etc. Let's see what is the norm of weight at what height.   

      Baby weight at birth

      The weight of an infant at birth can vary considerably and depends on many factors. The normal weight range of newborns is usually between 2.5 and 4.5 kilograms. However, we should not forget that weight at birth can fluctuate outside this range.

      If we talk about weight at birth, it is influenced by several factors:



      If parents have a lot of birth weight, then their babies can have a high birth weight. True, not only the phenotype of parents, but also distant relatives affects here. There are situations that parents were lightweight, but their grandfathers were big. And the child is born with parameters that are more consistent with those that great-grandfathers had. Weight standards for children may vary depending on what her relatives were. 

      Duration of pregnancy

      Newborns who are born after full term gestation (approximately 37-40 weeks) tend to gain more weight compared to those who are born prematurely. This, in principle, is logical.


      Boys usually have a slightly higher birth weight than girls.

      Maternal condition during pregnancy

      If she had any medical conditions, was malnourished or had any medical complications, this can also affect the formation of the fetus and the weight of the newborn baby.



      In addition, there is a correlation between weight and ethnicity. Some other factors are possible, but these are the main ones.

      How to measure the height of a baby?

      First of all, you need to choose a suitable place. To accurately measure height, choose a flat surface, such as a children's table or gurney. Make sure the child is lying upright on his back, with his legs straightened and arms spread along his body.

      You also need to use the correct device. To measure height, you can use a children's meter or a medical growth meter. The meter must be straight, stable and correctly marked.

      To measure the height of the child, you will need to perform the following steps:

      1. Secure the legs. Try to fix the legs of the child so that they are even and straight. If you are measuring an infant in a supine position, place him on a growth meter and secure his legs with both hands under his knees, helping the baby keep his legs straight.
      2. Measure height. If you measure the child manually, you must attach a meter to the top of the head. The latter should lie parallel to the floor and touch the back of the head without squeezing the hair (if any).
      3. Record the result. If necessary, repeat the measurement to make sure that the result is accurate. Compare the result with  the growth rates of children.

      It is recommended that your child's height be measured regularly (for example, monthly in the first year of life and then every few months) to track changes in their growth and development.

      The growth of older children is already easier to measure. To do this, you just need it to stand against the wall and make a mark at the level of the top of the head. And then just measure the distance between the floor and that mark. 

      Rate of weight gain and height of infants

      Let's present a table that describes the normal rate of weight gain and height in children under one year of age. It is important to understand that all these figures are approximate and depend on many factors. Certain deviations are possible, but to understand whether this is a variant of the norm or not, it is better to consult a doctor.


      Weight gain

      • Features  of the weight of the baby in the first 3 months: Newborns usually gain weight between about 140 and 200 grams per week.
      • From 3 to 6 months: The rate of weight gain may decrease slightly, and children usually gain weight around 100 to 150 grams per week. This is not to say that 100%  of the weight of a child at 4 months should be such-and-such, since individual trends must be taken into account here. There may be a situation that in one month the child lost a little, and in the next compensated with a margin. Children do not grow evenly.
      • Between 6 and 12 months: At this age, the rate of weight gain may increase again, and babies usually gain weight around 70 to 90 grams per week.

      Child growth gain 

      • First 6 months: It is common for babies to grow between 2.5 to 3 centimeters per month.
      • Between 6 and 12 months: The pace may decrease and babies usually grow between 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters per month.


      If you take  the weight of the child by month, it may even differ. Specific trends are important here, as well as  the ratio of weight and height. 

      Factors affecting a child's height and weight

      Previously, we described the factors that affect the height and weight of a newborn baby. Some of them remain (for example, genetics, ethnicity and gender). However, some parameters, such as nutrition, are new. For example, it is very common that a mother thinks that she is breastfeeding her baby, although she has very little milk. As a result, the baby is constantly malnourished, which leads to weight loss  of the baby. 

      In addition, the height and weight  of the child is affected by the activity of the child. When she begins to crawl, this is an additional calorie expenditure that must be considered in the diet. 

      Height and weight of a child under 1 year old and feeding

      I must say right away that breast milk is the best source of nutrition for babies because it contains all the necessary nutrients and antibodies to protect against infections. Practice has shown that children who were fed artificial formulas get sick somewhat more often compared to others.

      If breastfeeding is not possible, you should discuss well with your pediatrician the choice and correct application of the formula for feeding.

      Newborns often need feeding every 2-3 hours, and babies aged 1-6 months every 3-4 hours. Feeding regularly helps ensure you get enough calories and nutrients.

      It is very important to regularly measure the weight and height of the child and observe their changes. This will help you make sure that  your child's weight increases according to the norm. If you see that your child is losing weight, it may indicate that they are not getting enough calories. 

      It is necessary to monitor  the weight of the child at an older age – at 2, 3, 4, 5 years  or more. The body grows, its calorie needs change, but parents may habitually feed the child in the same way and not trust the one when he asks for more (although he may be objectively hungry). Or vice versa, giving the child too much, because of which his weight increases. Yes, and children often ask to eat the wrong  that they are hungry, but because it is delicious. Kids need to be taught moderation in food.

      Here the logic is very simple – if a child gains weight faster than age norms, he overeats, if he loses – he is malnourished.

      When to see a doctor?

      In general, you need to regularly visit a doctor. Then you don't even need to weigh and measure the child yourself. This will be done by a family doctor. In addition, he will make a comprehensive assessment of the health of the baby. But, in general, if a child consistently loses or gains weight too much, it is necessary to consult a specialist to correct this problem.

      Remember that you are your child's best protector. If you feel that something is wrong with her, do not hesitate to contact your doctor or medical specialists for medical attention and advice.

      Table of height and weight of the child by months and  years

      The more years a child is, the greater the possible range of height and weight. As well may vary the ratio  of weight to height ,  this is normal. The body develops. Therefore, at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 years,  the criteria for determining the norm will not be the same as at 8 months.

      Let's give an overview table containing the standards of height and girls boys and girls up to 11 years (that is, before the beginning of adolescence).



      Norma boys

      Norma girls

      0 months

      48-51,8 growth

      2.9-3.9 weight

      47,3-51 height

      2.8-3.7 weight

      1 month

      52,8-56,7 height

      3.9-5.1 weight

      51,7-55,6 height

      3.6-4.8 weight

      2 months

      56,4-60,4 height

      4.9-6.3 weight

      55-59,1 height

      4.5-5.8 weight

      3 months

      59,4-61,4 height

      5.7-7.2 weight

      57,7-61,9 height

      5.2-6.6 weight

      4 months

      61,8-66 height

      6.3-7.8 weight

      59,9-64,3 height

      5.7-7.3 weight

      5 months

      63,8-68 height

      6.7-8.4 weight

      61,8-66,3 height

      6.1-7.8 weight

      6 months

      65,5-69,8 height

      7.1-8.9 weight

      63,5-68 height

      6.5-8.3 weight

      7 months

      67-71,3 height

      7.4-9.3 weight

      65-69,6 height

      6.8-8.6 weight

      8 months

      68,4-72,8 height

      7.7-9.6 weight

      66,4-71,1 height

      7-9 weight

      9 months

      69,7-74,2 height

      8-9.9 weight

      67,7-72,6 height

      7.3-9.3 weight

      10 months

      71-75,6 height

      8.2-10.2 weight

      69-74 growth

      7.5-9.6 weight

      11 months

      72,2-76,9 height

      8.4-10.5 weight

      70,3-75,3 height

      7.7-9.9 weight

      1 year

      73,4-78,1 height

      8.7-10.8 weight

      71,4-76,6 height

      7.9-10.1 weight

      2 years

      84,4-90,5 height

      10.8-13.6 weight

      83,2-89,6 height

      10.2-13 weight

      3 years

      92,4-99,8 height

      12.7-16.2 weight

      91,2-98,9 height

      12.2-15.8 weight

      4 years

      99,1-107,5 height

      14.4-18.6 weight

      98,4-107 height

      14-18.5 weight

      5 years

      105,3-114,6 height

      16-21 weight

      104,7-114,2 height

      15.8-21.2 weight

      6 years

      111-120,9 growth

      18-23.5 weight

      110-120 height

      17.5-23.4 weight

      7 years

      116,4-127 height

      20-26.4 weight

      115,3-126,3 height

      19.3-26.3 weight

      8 years

      121,6-132,9 height

      22.1-29.5 weight

      120,8-132,4 height

      21.4-29.7 weight

      9 years

      126,6-138,6 height

      24.3-33 weight

      126,4-138,6 height

      24-33.6 weight

      10 years

      131,4-144,2 height

      26.7-37 weight

      132,2-145 height

      27-38.2 weight

      11 years

      134,5-152,9 height

      28-44.6 weight

      136,2-153,2 height

      27.8-30.7 weight