




      How to be sure of the normal development of the baby

      Doctor and child

      How to be sure of the normal development of the baby

      The first year of a baby's life is an extremely important period when the incredible development of a small being takes place. Each month in a child's life brings new gains and achievements that seem like a miracle to vulnerable parents. In this article, we will consider in detail the stages of a child's development during the first year of life. We will not paintchild development by week, since here everything will definitely be individual. Let's focus, first of all, on the one that should bephysicaland mentalchild developmentin a certain month of the first year of life.

      Child development by month

      In general, it is worth understanding that the norm is a very relative concept. Each child develops at his own pace. It even happens that a child learns to walk earlier than to sit. Therefore, there is no need to worry if something does not go according to these periods. In general, in the first year of life, it is necessary to take the child for examination to the pediatrician every month in order to be 100% sure that the baby is developing correctly.

      Let'slet's bring approximate periodizationdevelopment of children up to one year "In average".

      0-1 month

      This is the period of the baby's introduction to the new world. He opens his eyes to the wonder of existence and begins to respond to sounds and light. The child responds to the parent's voice and expresses joy or displeasure through facial expressions and sounds.

      The main skills of this period:

      • The child opens his eyes and reacts to light, but visual activity is still limited. She can respond to the sounds and faces of adults.
      • In a vertical position, the child cannot hold his head.
      • Only innate reflexes are developed: blinking, sucking, swallowing, grasping, etc.
      • The child is able to scream, and in this way conveys that some need is not satisfied.

      A newborn baby sleeps most of the time. sleep is an important part of their development and growth. During the first few weeks after birth, newborns' sleep patterns are quite irregular, and they may wake up quite often to eat and meet other needs.

      In general, newborns sleep 14 to 17 hours a day, and this sleep is divided into short periods of 2 to 4 hours. In the first few weeks, the baby can sleep for 2-4 hours in a row, waking up only for food and other needs.

      1-2 months

      In the second month of life, the child can already hold his head in a vertical position for several seconds. If the baby is lying on his stomach, he tries to raise his head. Reflexively steps with legs.

      The main skills of this period:

      1. Smile. The child already knows how to smile at adults. During this period, the revitalization complex, which occurs in a child between the ages of 3 and 6 months, can occur. The child begins to smile, shake arms and legs in response to the appearance of an adult. The important thing is that it is a conscious smile, and not a simple reflex.
      2. The child becomes more active and can show interest in the surrounding environment, turning on his stomach and crawling.
      3. The baby still sleeps a lot, but may begin to increase the intervals between feedings and sleep a little longer at night.

      This is just a general overview of the main developmental skills that can be observed in a child in the second month of life. Each child develops uniquely, so there may be individual differences in its development.

      2-3 months

      At this age, the child should be able to easily raise his head and hold it in a vertical position for 1-1.5 hours. The child already knows how to follow the movements of bright objects, pick them up and hold them. Also during this period there is such a phenomenon as walking. It is one of the earliest forms of communication and speech, manifested in the form of simple sounds and voices that it produces in response to the environment, its emotions and needs. Walking is one of the first ways in which a child communicates with others and shows his feelings.

      In the first months of life, the child makes simple sounds such as "ah-ah-ah", "uh-uh-uh", "eh-eh-eh", "oh-oh-oh" and others, using different vocal and respiratory mechanisms Walking can have a different timbre, intensity and duration depending on the mood and needs of the child.

      Walking helps to communicate, express emotions, as well as experiment with the voice.

      The main skills of this period:


      The ability to focus the gaze.

      The child learns to distinguish objects.

      Reaction to sounds.

      The baby becomes more sensitive to sounds, can turn his head towards the sound source, react to the voice of his parents.

      Expression of pleasure and displeasure.

      The baby begins to show his satisfaction or dissatisfaction depending on the situations and surrounding circumstances.



      In general, in the second month, the child continues to actively study the world around him, interact with the environment and develop in various aspects - physically, socially and emotionally.

      3-4 months

      If fulfilled3 months old baby, development happens very quickly. By the age of three months, the child already knows how to roll over from his back to his side, change his body position. True, the movements are still not sufficiently coordinated.

      Child development 3 months is characterized by the following neoplasms:

      1. The "revival complex" is maximally manifested. In addition to smiling and motor activity, walking can also be added.
      2. Baby girl is able to rest her legs on a hard surface, provided that she is supported under the armpits.
      3. The ability to freely hold the head in a vertical position.
      4. Active walking, which is also called "hooting".
      5. Lying on his stomach, the child can already rise and lean on his forearms and elbows, and can also pull his body up when he is taken in his arms.
      6. The child actively follows moving objects, pulls them with the handles. Also, the child satisfies his cognitive interest by pulling everything into his mouth.

      Child development 4-5 months

      If we talk aboutchild development at 4 months, the baby easily raises his head when lying on his back, and also turns freely from his back to his stomach. In addition, she already knows how to divide toys into those she likes and those she doesn't.Four months old the baby already knows how to recognize his mother, whom he prefers along with other adults.

      At this age, babbling and laughter when tickled can already begin to appear. Also, children at this age can be interested in the reflection in the mirror and smile at it.

      Child development 5-6 months

      Main featureschild developmentthis age:

      1. The child holds his head well and holds it straight.
      2. If you support the child under the armpits, he stands evenly on his legs.
      3. The child makes the first attempts to roll over from the stomach to the back.
      4. The child has been holding the objects she grabbed for a long time.
      5. Has the ability to hold a bottle not only with both hands, but also with one.

      In addition, the child understands the intonation of the conversation, and recognizes the tone of the voice, plays while eating. Also infive-month-old age, the initial stage of language development occurs. The child can already pronounce vowels and some consonant sounds. Very goodchild development 5 monthscompared to a newborn already, right?

      6-7 months

      Concerningdevelopment of a child at 6 monthsduring this period, the child can usually sit up independently. Truth,developmentsomechildrenhappens in a different way, and in6 months other skills come to the fore.

      The baby's muscles have become strong enough to maintain a stable sitting position. With the help of adults who support him by the arms or by the chest, the baby can stand up and even cross his legs. This helps to develop his muscles and balance. The child actively tries to crawl, although his movements are not yet completely coordinated. This is the first step towards an active exploration of the surrounding environment.

      In addition, this period is characterized by the development of hand motility and speech. Regarding the last point, the child can already begin to pronounce simple syllables, such as "ma-ma", "ba-ba". In addition, she also learns some new consonant sounds, in particular: "v", "z", "m", "n", "s", "f".

      The child listens carefully to adult speech and responds to his name. She can distinguish sounds and try to answer spoken words with her voice.

      As we can seechild development 6 monthsis in full swing.

      7-8 months

      At 7 months, the child makes significant progress in his physical development and the ability to interact with the world around him. She actively explores her body, shows interest in objects and begins to develop her speech skills, saying simple words and sounds.

      At this age, the child is already confidently crawling, sitting confidently. When there is supportor support, the baby can kneel, or stand, holding both hands, and even cross his legs, testing new possibilities of his body.

      The baby is very interested in communication and interaction with adults. He shows his need for attention, conversations and positive interaction.

      The baby also begins to understand by the tone of voice what "no" is, and becomes more and more aware of the communicative aspect of adult language.

      8-9 months

      The peculiarity of this age is that the child already knows how to stand up and sit down independently without the help of adults, this indicates the development of his muscles and coordination of movements. True, only by holding oncot. Also tries to walk if you take the child by the hands. The child actively looks for objects that interested him and does not let them out of his attention,manifesting persistence in one's actions to achieve the goal.

      The baby actively explores the world, trying different items to taste, which is one of the ways to learn about the environment.

      The child's face shows a variety of emotional expressions, such as interest and surprise, which indicates the development of his emotional perception and the ability to express emotions.

      The child feels a special emotional bond with his parents and already consciously knows how to call them ("mom" and "dad"). She is also wary of strangers, which is a natural reaction to strangers.

      Featureschild development in period of 9 until 10 months

      Regarding 9 months of child development, this period is characterized by the following actions:

      • Crawls actively, overcoming small obstacles.
      • Able to start walking from any position, holding on to something for support.
      • Performs activities that require complex movements, such as moving blocks, picking up small objects, and being able to name toys that he has seen before.
      • Shows all kinds of parts of his body, such as nose, mouth or others, to his mother, doll or in the mirror.
      • Responds to his name and understands simple questions such as "Give me the pen" or "Wave the pen."
      • Understands the word "no" and imitates different sounds.
      • He likes when his enthusiasm is noted, so he continues to please by repeating those actions that have received praise.

      This list of abilities and skills indicates a significant development of motor skills, perception and communication in the child. She becomes more and more active and independent in studying the world around her.

      10-11 months

      If we talk aboutchild development 10 months, many children at this age can already walk by holding on to something and also love to move. For example, you can often see how a child dances to music.

      Child development 11-12 months

      Concerningdevelopment of a child at 11 months, at this age the child:

      1. Stands up without problemssits down and walks Most still need support in the form of an adult's hands. But there are children who can walk independently.
      2. Knows the name of many objects and shows them.
      3. Develops coordination of finger movements.
      4. Says a few simple words, uses "children's slang".

      Whichchild's development per year?

      Let'slet's bring table, which describes what a one-year-old child should be able to do. However, it is worth understanding that this is very approximate. Some, for example, start walking at the age of one and a half. It is, of course, late, but it happens. Therefore, everyone has their own norm. Let's cite some skills that are characteristic ofchild's development after a year .




      Walks and responds to calls, approaches if called

      The child is already walking independently and responding to the call of the parents.

      Squats and straightens without support

      The ability to squatand standing up without help indicates the stability of his movements.

      If an adult asks a child to bring a toy or open a door, she will do it.

      The child actively participates in the game, fulfilling the requests of adults. Can manipulate objects.

      Choice of toys: preference for pyramids, cubes; likes to watch the movement

      The baby actively shows his preferences for toys and shows interest in moving objects.

      He almost always understands well the words that sound to him, and also recognizes the animals depicted in the pictures.

      The development of speech comprehension allows the child to compare the picture with the real object.

      Speaks about 10-15 words

      The child actively learns to speak and already utters the first words.

      Understands how to usesimple objects (hammer, cup, spoon)

      Fine motor skills are developed.

      Tries to participate in dressing, washing

      The child shows a desire to actively participate in everyday activities.

      Bites and chews solid food

      The ability to chew solid food indicates the development of its chewing muscles.

      Shows affection for parents, favorite toys and food, can refuse new things and be irritable

      The child shows his personal preferences and feelings of dependence on his parents. This period is also called the "one-year crisis". This is the stage of initial establishment of personal boundaries.

      Begins to show a sense of humor

      Social perception and the ability to respond to jokes and laughter develop.


      How to develop a child in 1 year?

      In general, this topic deserves a separate discussion. However, if universal recommendations are given, they boil down to providing the child with a safe environment, supporting the development of his motor skills, communication skills, the ability to recognize pictures, communicate with other children, etc.

      In general, specialists advise the following to actively develop a child at the age of 1:

      1. Communicate with the child as much as possible, explaining different things around him. It is important to remember that the formation of language is mined precisely in communication. And the more an adult talks to a child, the better.
      2. Enrich her vocabulary by naming objects and animals.
      3. Read fairy tales and children's books often, promoting the development of her imagination. In fact, you can start it even earlier - from 6 months. It builds language skills very well.
      4. Invite her to active games that develop motor skills and coordination of movements. Do not forget that fine motor skills are very closely related to intellectual development.
      5. Let your child explore the world with simple musical instruments.

      It is also very important to recognize children's emotions and react to them in order to develop not only logical, but also emotional intelligence.

      Child development chart

      Let's try to systematize the characteristics described above a littlechild's development by month.



      1. Cannot change body position independently.
      2. Does not hold the head in a vertical position and cannot raise it while lying ontummy.
      3. Has only innate reflexes.

      1 month

      1. Can hold the head in a vertical position for several seconds.
      2. Trying to raise his headlying down on the stomach
      3. Reflexively spreads the handles to the sides and then presses themtheir towards you, squeezingcams (Moreau reflex) in response to stimuli such as loud noises or sudden movement.

      2 months

      1. Easily raises the head and holds it in a vertical position for 1-1.5 minutes.
      2. Lying on his stomach, he can raise his head and chest. This indicates the development of the back muscles and support in the effort to raise the head.
      3. Turns his head in the direction of the person speaking.

      3 months

      1. Able to roll over from back to side and change body position.
      2. Freely holds the head in a vertical position, turns it.
      3. Lying on his stomach, he rises and rests on his forearms and elbows.
      4. He rests his legs on a hard surface with support under the armpits.
      5. Actively follows moving objects, pulls them with the handles, pulls them to the mouth.

      4 months

      1. raises his headlying down on the back.
      2. Turns freely from back to stomach.
      3. Rises, resting on the palms, when lying on the stomach.
      4. Sits with support.
      5. Plays with toys hanging above the bed, takes them in his hands, feels them.
      6. Sticky.

      5 months

      1. Holds grasped objects for a long time.
      2. Can hold the bottle with one or two hands.
      3. Catches the intonation of the conversation and distinguishes the tone of the voice.
      4. Likes to play while eating.
      5. Initial language development: pronounces vowels and some consonant sounds (b, d, l, m).

      6 months

      1. Sits down independently and can sit straight without support.
      2. With the support of the hands or the chest, stands up and steps.
      3. Trying to crawl.
      4. Performs various actions with toys: translates, swings, lifts, compares.
      5. Extends his arms to be taken in his arms.
      6. Development of language skills: pronounces the first syllables and learns new consonants. He listens carefully to adult speech and responds to his name.

      7 months

      1. Confidently sits and kneels with support.
      2. Explores his body with hands and mouth.
      3. Interested in his reflection in the mirror.
      4. Looks for objects and recognizes objects by name.
      5. Develops speech: pronounces syllables and sounds, understands the tone of voice "no".

      8 months

      1. Plays with toys, examines, knocks, throws, etc.
      2. Claps hands and knocks objects.
      3. Develops various facial expressions, shows interest and surprise.
      4. Consciously pronounces the words "mom" and "dad".
      5. He is attached to his parents and is wary of outsiders.
      6. Tries to walk with support by the hands.

      9 months

      1. Shows different parts of the body of the mother, the doll and in the mirror.
      2. Knows his name and fulfills simple requests.
      3. Understands the word "no".
      4. Simulates different sounds.
      5. Responds to praise and repeats his actions.

      10 months

      1. Walks holding a hand or a stroller, actively moves and dances to music.
      2. Imitates the actions, gestures and sounds of others.
      3. Explores the contents of boxes and boxes, develops fine motor skills.
      4. Performs manipulations with small objects.
      5. adores play with water
      6. Afraid of unfamiliar places.
      7. Begins to pronounce simple words and gives monosyllabic names to objects and animals.

      11 months

      1. Easily gets up, sits down, bends over and walks holding hands.
      2. Knows the names of many objects and can show them.
      3. Fulfills many demands, understands "can't" and shakes his head when denied.
      4. The coordination of finger movements increases, the child picks up small objects with his fingers.
      5. Plays various games (ladusi, ball), waves a pen in farewell and drinks from a cup.
      6. Uses baby jargon, babbles and says a few simple words other than "mama" and "dad".

      1 year

      1. Walks and approaches when called.
      2. Squats and straightens without support.
      3. Fulfills simple requests, can pick up and bring a toy, open a door.
      4. Choice of toys: preferencepyramid and cubes
      5. Understands most language commands, recognizes animals in pictures, pronounces 10-15 words.
      6. Usedsimple objects (telephone, hammer, cup, spoon).